OVERVIEW (2) – GENESIS: “DayThe Book of Beginnings” (Part 1)
Genesis: “The Book Of Beginnings” (Part 1)
Chapters 1-11 (NKJV)
1) The beginning of world (ch. 1-2)
2) The beginning of nations (ch. 3-11)
3) The beginning of Israelites (ch. 12-50)
1) The story of four important events (Part 1 / ch. 1-11)
2) The story of four important people (Part 2 / ch. 12-50)
1) CREATION (ch. 1-2)
Day 1: day and night Day 5: sea creatures and flying creatures
Day 2: expanse and heavens Day 6: land animals and man
Day 3: earth, seas, vegetation Day 7: God rested
Day 4: sun, moon, and stars
A) Basic Theories of the Origin of Life
1) Evolution – Slowly evolved over millions of years
2) Literal Creation – Completed in 6 days
3) Theistic Evolution – God began the evolutionary process and then let it run
4) Day-Age-Theory – Days of Genesis are long ages of time
5) Revelatory Day Theory – God revealed to Moses in six …………. . days which took millions of years to accomplish
6) Progressive Creation – God intervened at every stage of creation separately
7) Gap Theory – There is a gap between Gen. 1:1 and Gen. 1:2
“Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.”
Genesis 1:31
2) FALL (ch. 3-5)
A) Four Basic Things About The “Fall”
. 1) Entrance of “sin” (ch. 3)
a) “Temptation” (3:1-6)
b) “Consequences” (3:14-20)
1. Satan (3:14-15)
2. Eve (3:16)
3. Adam (3:17-19)
c) “Remedy” (3:20-21)
2) Entrance of “Offering” (ch. 4)
a) Requirement (4:3-4a)
b) Respect for Abel (4:4b)
c) Refusal for Cain (4:5-7)
d) Relationships torn (4:16-25)
3) Entrance of “Remnant” (4:26)
4) Entrance of “Lineage” (ch. 5).
3) FLOOD (ch. 6-9)
A) Four things about this “Flood”
. 1) God’s “Grief” (ch. 6)
a) Reason (6:5-7, 11-12)
b) Noah (6:8-9)
c) Ark (6:13-14)
1. Dimensions (6:15)
2. Window and levels (6:16)
3. Cargo (6:19-20)
4. Food (6:21)
2) God’s “Rain” (ch. 7)
a) Length of the rain (7:4, 12)
b) Height of the rain (7:17-20)
c) Duration of the rain (7:24)
3) God’s “Deliverance” (ch. 8)
a) Remembered Noah (8:1)
b) God’s covenant with creation (8:20-22)
4) God’s “Mandate” (ch. 9)
a) Man’s dominion (9:1-3)
b) Man’s reminder (9:4-7)
c) Man’s assurance (9:8-13)
4) TOWER (ch. 10-11)
“….and fill the earth.” (Gen. 8:17, 9:1)
A) Two things about this “Tower”
1) Man’s “Arrogance” (11:1-4)
2) God’s “Answer” (11:5-9)